
Pohara Webcam

Need to know what it's like round there? TDC has a webcam that faces towards The Seagrass/BoPeep from Port Tarakohe.  At least you get an idea of the weather

If you go to the time lapse you can drag your mouse across to see it a various times. NB if you are overseas the time shown may be the time stamp on your computer.


I am no longer updating this blog

It's been a while since I have even been up to Takaka - living in Denmark for a few years and now another 4 at Aoraki/Mount Cook. 

There are Guidebooks available that are more up to date 
The Hangdog Guidebook and http://www.kiwitracks.com/golden-bay-sport-climbs/

Online there are many for example:



Pohara - New route action

Recently, ahead of his upcoming Pohara Guidebook by Michael Cartright there has been some "activity" in the Pohara area. Due to the newness of the cliimbs and the Pohara rock a helmet is essential and vigilance a necessity. Already a few large blocks have been removed unintentionally.

Some have already been mentioned already and all are in the Pohara section of climbnz.org.nz   http://climbnz.org.nz/nz/si/nelson/golden-bay/pohara

Hangover Heights:
On the lower wall...
Hair of the Dog  19  6
Start a few meters right of From Mystery to Mystery up a scoop. Climb up past the cool flow feature to the overlap. Then leftward before heading back right and up to anchor.
Michael Cartwright, 2014

The Tower, Cathedral Wall:

The Jagged Edge 18   30m 9 
 Start 2m right of the corner up the knobby stuff. Gain the arête above and follow it.
Phil Castle, 2014

Shagadelic Area:
A Dream of White Shags   18   7 
Currently the leftmost line of bolts on the main Shagadelic wall. Climbable at high tide with alternate approach to crag. Vertical wall followed by an airy overhanging traverse left and up to anchor. Don't climb here during nesting season (Summer?).
Michael Cartwright, 2014

Sunset Cruise 17   4
Walk right through the hole beyond More Rad Than Trad to find a neat little overhanging orange wall around the corner. Climb the lay-back flake starting left below it.
Michael Cartwright, 2014

The Corner Storehttp://climbnz.org.nz/nz/si/nelson/golden-bay/pohara/the-corner-store
Dark Chocolate 17  4
Up the centre of the clean gray slab around the corner from Magnum Gold.
Michael Cartwright, 2014

Magnum Gold    18   7
Scramble the large crack on the left past 1st bolt to gain the rotten ledge. Climb the steep orange wall just left of the big hole.
Michael Cartwright, 2014


Pohara - New Route on the Cathedral Tower - The Jagged Edge (18)

The Jagged Edge 18 30m. Phil Castle 4/14

Climbs the striking arete on the west edge of the tower that faces the Hangover Wall/Dr Livingstone. Access from the same track to Dr Livingstone and Cosmic Wunder Krunch walls.


Pohara - Hangover Heights

Hangover Heights aka Deep Throat

The "overhanging" back wall on left of the Dr Livingstone wall and opposite the friendly Cosmic Wunder Krunch Wall

From L- R 

Lower Wall:

Fate Smiled. P1 18  Starts off a pile of rocks R of flowstone.
Destiny Laughed P2 20 Head up the wall to a belay at 2/3 height. Willie Butler '02

From Mystery into Mystery  7 bolts to the ledge Jolyon White 10/03

Un-named Starts R of M into M

Andy's Pants - 17 Access route to the climbs on the Upper Wall RHS Craig Alter 

Upper Wall  

These two routes are accessed via Andy's Pants.

Hangman  22 Mark Brignole left route

Bender 22 Phil Castle Right route

Little Globe Wall - New climbs

This section of wall which had many inspections by people who were put off by the proximity of the Totara finally yielded 

Flash Back** 25
First route on the left of the wall behind the Totara. Steep fingery moves. 3B
Rich Turner 4/4/14

Power Surge** 23
From the start of "You're either dead or you're not" , move left then straight up. 3B
Rich Turner 4/4/14


Bo Peep New Routes

Leftist 21

Start up Status Anxiety for 2 bolts then head straight up the left end of Bo Peep
Mark Brignole May 2013

Ledgend 21

Climb Coup de grâce to just below the belay. Move left then finish up Leftist.
Mark Brignole May 2013

Coup d'etat 22 9B

Climb Coup de grâce, then continue straight up.
Mark Brignole May 2013

Aledged Perpetrator 22 7B

Climb Vexatious Litigant, then continue upwards. Can also be done as an extension to Honour and Obey.
Phil Castle May 2013


Bo Peep steep

Mark and Phil are currently at work extending the left hand routes on the Bo- Peep above the break. The original belays will remain but the extensions will give those wanting more pump a little more to go at. They will be slightly longer than Not given lightly - 24.
Mark Brignole at work on the Bo Peep extensions. Photo Phil Castle collection.


Pohara - Seagrass Wall - Curiosity 17

Curiosity 17 7B
Climb the arete left of Pussy Dancing
Phil Castle 11/2012

Paynes Ford: Globe Wall - Dutch Jugs 27

Dutch Jugs 27 7B

A direct line that straightens out The Fat fight back at the Globe Wall.

Starts through the steep blank looking bulge R of Cloudwalker and left of the corner.

Troy Stephenson 2012

Pohara : Games Room - 3 new routes

All new climbs start in the back of the ampitheatre  almost in the same place.

Krissys Magic Cookies 20 16m 6B

Left of Nek Minute on the back wall of the Games Room 
Craig Alter 6/14

Nek Minute 24 7B
Line of hangers left of Totally Roasted
Craig Alter 06/12

Totally Roasted 22  6 B
Up glue in ring bolts in the center of the back wall, drifts slightly right.
Pete Aitken 06/12


Rhinoceros Wall - New Climb

Unicorn Massacre 24 3B

Between Fridge Magnet and Beast from the Undergrowth. It has 3 main cruxes but the first is before the first bolt so it is advisable to stick clip it first
F.A Craig Alter 4/12


Pohara : Deep Throat -New routes

Clunge  26/27
F.A Troy Stevenson 10/11
On the large block on the other side of the Deep Throat gully from Fate Smiled/Destiny laughed. 
Left line on the wall with 4 bolts shares the last bolt of Muffin Man and the same anchors
Ode to the Muffin Man  22 
Craig Alter 8/2011
On the large block on the other side of the Deep Throat gully from Fate Smiled/Destiny laughed. 
Small overhanging red wall. This is the line on the right.
Starts slightly right of first bolt. 4 bolts and chain. excellent rock better than most in that area.


Old news but good news

Willie Butler’s seat home after aquatic escapade 

Thursday 11 December 2008  

Willie's son Patrick and dog Chewy. Photo: Supplied. Willie's son Patrick and dog Chewy. Photo: Supplied.

The Willie Butler memorial seat has been to sea.
The wooden seat was commissioned at the time of Willie's death in 2003 by the families of some young climbers who had been coached by the Hangdog Camp owner, rockclimber, and well-loved local personality. More recently it had been placed at a high vantage point on an island in the Takaka River near Paynes Ford, but the seat washed away in the recent flooding.
Celia Butler explained how the seat went missing and found its way home.
"Sarah Sherratt was filming the flood from the Kotinga Bridge and she noticed the seat being swept by. She let me know and I decided to put a ‘lost' ad in The GB Weekly. The very next day, even before The Weekly came out, the seat turned up on the back of a truck. Somebody had pulled it out of the sea at Pohara. It had obviously been swept out into the Bay and then been washed up. I was really glad to see it back in surprisingly good order. The commemorative plaque has come off but the seat's in Hangdog Camp just at the moment so we'll have to think about where to put it.
"It used to be really high up on the island. It just shows how ferocious the floodwaters were. I think it was because the Waingaro was so high. When it met the Takaka River there must have been an amazing amount of water."
Brian Cooper from Weka Arts at Kaituna made the memorial seat and was also relieved to hear that it had come home.
"Willie would have loved this story," he said. "Knowing him he probably organised it."
Neil Wilson
Thursday 11 December 2008 


Pohara New Climbs

The Corner Store
Obvious open corner at the corner after you pass the Twilight Zone and before the Bo Peep Slab. A track has been cut and heads up from the corner

Left hand side - Open for Business (18) 4 bolts and chain Approx 15m,starts under the over hang then follow the crack.Continuous with a bit of everything.

Right hand side - Who ate all the pies (15) 5 bolts and chain.Approx 15m,Belay bolt at the bottom of the route.Nicely spaced bolts with good clipping holds.

 Karl Reece and Ash Whitehead 2010


Some Guidebooks available

A box of 54 Guidebooks has been discovered in the basement ( I mean Kesters Office)of the NZAC

These are the only available copies of the original edition Golden Bay Climbs. It will not be republished for a while so get in quick.

Available from the NZAC


SOLD OUT again....


Hangdog Closed for maintainence till November

Sadly, Hangdog Camp is currently closed for the 2010 winter period. 

We have a few maintenance issues to work over, and holidays to take, places to go, and people to see.

We will be re-opening nearer the summer, so check back around November and we should hopefully be all go


Temporary Closure of Sea Cliffs from Seagrass Wall through to Why Wall

Temporary Closure of Sea Cliffs from Seagrass Wall through to Why Wall

Recently, the quarry has been excavating the rock at the top of these cliffs. This has resulted
in some rock fall in the area of Rumpy Pumpy. At this stage there are number of loose rocks
on top of the cliff and on ledges, making this a very hazardous area to enter. The land owner
is in the process of stabilizing the rock and making the area safe again, however this work
may result in further rock fall down the cliffs. Until this has been completed, all of this area is
closed. This includes Seagrass Wall, Franklins Tower, Black Vegetable Wall, Rumpy Pumpy, As Good as It Gets, Why and Nipple Rock.

It is OK to climb at Bo Peep, but do so with caution.
If it looks like work is taking place on the cliffs, or you are asked to leave, please do so.The land is privately owned - including the road.


Hangdog Closure? - Petition the Council

Greetings to all climbers:

The climbers campground of Hangdog, near Takaka, New Zealand, has today been closed until further notice - ostensibly for maintenance, but the actual reason being non-compliance with standard council campground regulations. These regulations are aimed at the likes of Top 10 holiday parks, and include requirements such as having to provide a washing machine and individually marked campsites. In the past, Hangdog has had an exemption from these regulation, for its specific climbing-based purpose and clientele. This exemption has however expired, and the local council will not renew it as it sees no further need for this type of campground.

If you have stayed at this campground, were happy with what you found and the way it operated, and if you want it to continue, please send your thoughts to the Tasman Distric Council.

Attached is my attempted petition letter for the continuation of the Hangdog. Feel free to add your own comments or to write your own letter entirely - as it will be good for the Tasman District Council to hear all of your views! :)

I have included both TDC's Takaka and Richmond (Head Office) addresses, in order to cover both ends.

Feel free to pass on this template, and any additional thoughts, to your climbing friends around the globe.

Warm regards to everyone


Henriette Beikirch
E: henriette_beikirch@yahoo.co.nz
M: (+)64 (0)21 1146 122



Tasman District Council
189 Queen Street
Private Bag 4
Nelson 7050

Tasman District Council
78 Commercial Street
PO Box 74
Takaka 7142

Email: info@tasman.govt.nz

RE:  Hangdog Campground for Climbers, Takaka

Dear Madam/Sir

It has come to my attention that the campground of Hangdog, near Takaka, is being closed due to maintenance, or more specifically, because of non-compliance with council campground regulations. Apparently, requirements include hot water and a washing machine, neither of which are currently being provided.

On several occasions, I have stayed at the Hangdog myself, as this campground is close to the well-known climbing crags at Paynes Ford. I have very much enjoyed the camp, and have found its guests to be courteous and environmentally aware. At no point in time did myself or any of my climbing friends express the need for more advanced facilities. Most of Hangdog’s clientele are climbers who are set up for camping in a tent or out of a vehicle, which includes cooking facilities. Hot water is therefore not an issue. For those not set up for camping, the existing bunkhouse provides beds, cooking facilities, hot water, and a shower. Most guests visit the township of Takaka on a regular basis to do their grocery shopping and to check emails, which is when they do their washing at one of the various laundry services provided. This also brings more business into town centre.

I personally feel that for Hangdog’s clientele, who are climbers from New Zealand and all over the world, more advanced facilities are neither wanted nor needed. We are used to simple life close to nature. We strive to live in harmony with our surroundings and aim to leave places as we found them. In the case of an organised campground, potable water and toilet facilities are sufficient to keep it sanitary. Dishwashing sinks, fridges and a hot shower (which are all currently provided at Hangdog) are excellent and a bonus. As climbers, a lot of us have vast outdoors experience, which includes the concept of minimal environmental footprint, and living healthily with few of modern life’s luxuries. We are responsible for our own cleanliness. It could even be argued that with communal cooking and washing areas, fewer facilities are in fact more sanitary, as everyone will be self-contained, so there is less potential for spreading germs. Climbers and
outdoors people are very self-reliant - we simply do not require the daily use of freely available hot water or washing machines to live healthily, or to be happy.

What is more, having these additional facilities is not desirable for us as they tend to increase the cost of running a camp, and therefore the cost to us, its patrons. We are used to travelling on budget with minimal facilities and expenditure. For climbers in particular, it is important to be able to stay for some length of time (and therefore, at affordable rates), in order to progress in our climbing aspirations and achievements. Expertise takes time. A basic and affordable campground with a friendly, supportive and environmentally responsible culture, such as the Hangdog, perfect fits our needs.

I am aware of the existence of basic Department of Conservation campgrounds, which often only provide toilets and cold water. As these campgrounds exist, they are obviously deemed sanitary enough to be safe and legal. Does this type of facility have to be limited to conservation estates? These basic campgrounds, much like Hangdog, cater for travellers who are self-reliant and happy with the simple life. Most holiday parks aim at a different clientele: travellers who are more used to having all the facilities of modern living, and often families and more mature patrons. While there is a need for these high-end campgrounds, there is also an obvious need (as evidenced by the occurence of “freedom camping”) for more basic campsites – as both campground philosophies represent different groups of travellers who visit New Zealand. For both groups, New Zealand is an attractive tourist destination (or they wouldn’t come all this way to visit!) – and
this is especially true for adventurous and “outdoorsy” people, who love the activities this country has to offer. Both groups of visitors should therefore be provided with facilities appropriate to each target group. The District Council may want to liaise with the Department of Conservation on this, in order to create a more encompassing philosophy and matching guidelines.

In the case of the Hangdog, I believe this is a speciality case of a campground aimed at rock climbers, who have a strong sense of environmental awareness, mutual trust and respect, and world-wide climbing fraternity. Hangdog’s location is ideal in respect to Payne’s Ford; the facilities provided are sufficient for climbers’ needs. By being climber specific, this camp is working very well as is. It exudes a wonderful sense of companionship and harmony. Turning it into a standard holiday park would destroy an absolute gem. I therefore urge the Tasman District Council to reconsider its stance, and to introduce an exemption for Hangdog from the current generic campground regulations, as this type of camp is exactly what Hangdog’s clientele are happy with and looking for. I very much hope that the Tasman District Council will be responsive to climbing tourism, which is an outdoor adventure activity this area is well known for internationally, by
supporting a minimal facilities campground which enables rock climbing.

Please feel free to contact me if you require additional information, or confirmation of any of the above.

Sincerely yours



DOC Report on Paynes Ford 2009

A copy of this report can be seen here

Since this was produced there have been on going communications between Golden Bay Climbers and DoC.

  • All climbs at the North End have been removed. This is now CLOSED
  • Gobble Gobble Yum Yum at the Rhinoceros wall has been removed.
  • Plans for a Toilet by Track 5 are in process.
  • A cycleway project from the Paynes Ford carpark to EastTakaka is underway. This is not a DoC project but a local initiative
  • Tape has been used to direct traffic in some high use areas


Pohara - Cathedral Rock - New Climbs


Here are some of the approx lines of the 12 new climbs put up by visiting Italian climber Diego Depretto in January 2010.
There is some confusion since some existing lines (Joe Dirt) were partially retro bolted and lines and starts cross existing routes (Dirty Old Men*) in some cases. Until they have been climbed on more, expect some loose holds and them to be quite dirty. Suggestion : HELMET There are several climbs further left of the top photo as well around 13-15.The two aretes either side of the chimney are the hardest. 


From left to right
  • 1. Onde di pietra (Waves of Stone) 14\15
  • 2. Muccavallo 16
  • 3. Bravo Raimondo 16
  • 4. IL Bar (The bar) 17
  • 5. Andrea 19\20
  • 6. Nana 17+
  • 7. Fischia 21 (It whistles)
  • 8. Dolomites Dream 18
  • 9. Joe Dirt 15
  • 10. Buon giorno Principessa (Good day Princess) 22\23
  • 11. Dirty Old Men 16
  • 12. Neanche dare Baci 17
  • 13. Mohrele 17
  • 14. Marisol 18
  • 15. Stairway of the Gods 17+
  • 16. Ambrosia 18+
  • 17. Tusk 17
  • 18. Stella Blue 19
  • 19. Black Marigolds 17
  • 20. Tales from the Sea 17
  • 21. Something Wicked 18
  • 22. White Pointer 16
  • 23. Gecko Crack 17+


Fish Wall - New Route

Kristen Foley finished his long term project bolted several years ago to the R of System of the Down on the far R of the Fish Wall as yet unnamed it is about 25 and 4 B


Pohara - Twilight Zone

Three headed Devil dog (23) 7 bolts Craig Alter Dec 2009
Starts to the R of Taonga at the entrance to the zone and shares its last 2 bolts

Persian Princess (20) 10m  R of Going going gone Troy Dec '09


Jericho (21) - Stone Symposium Wall

Jericho (21) 9 bolts This line starts up Temples of Stone (actually ToS starts up Jericho) and continues up parallel and left of this route and through the upper bulge. Originally done with a mix of so-so natural pro by Pete Hunt in 1991 and seldom repeated has recently been retrobolted but still has the sporting aspect. It should be popular.


Mountain Film Festival Takaka Oct 5th-6th

Hi people, just a reminder that the NZ Mountain Film Festival is being shown in the village theatre next Mon / Tues nights (5th and 6th October) (same screenings both nights). If there is any profit, it will be split between NZ Alpine Club and Golden Bay Climbers, so encourage everyone you know to come along! We will be showing 5 films, from 10 minutes to 65 minutes. There are three NZ Films - South Wye, Lost Tower (NZs on the North Patagonian Icecap) and Kayaking the Nevis. This is followed by Acopan (Stefan Glowacz climbing a tower in the Venezuelan jungle) and Azazel (French climbers on Trango Tower, Pakistan). Should be a good evening! Click here for Takaka shows on the title for Theatre details or here for later events throughout the country Golden Bay Climbers


Pohara - Seagrass Wall - X Factor

*X Factor. 19 or 20. 5 bolts. Start about a metre right of HymenIce Girl. Climb directly up; fun climbing with a stiff little crux. Phil Castle 2/5/09


Sold out!!!

I will not be able to publish another edition with all the updates and changes (closed areas, removed climbs etc) until Spring 2010


2009 Bo Peep Challenge

Yes its on again, the 2009 Bo Peep Challenge. It's not about climbing as much as showing off your best party costumes. Get down and have some fun - previous events have drawn strange local fauna out of hiding Some post event pictures HERE - thanks Antoine....


Environmental stuff (2)

Many moons ago the nice climbers of Nelson never gave Paynes Ford a second look. The cracks of Cable Bay and the Takaka Quarry were all the rage. Paynes was too steep, had no cracks for pro, less holds and was covered in moss and ferns anyway. Try to imagine what it was like back then. There were wekas in the reserve, lush, rare mosses were all over the cliffs and at their base, Supplejack wove the bush together, heaps of leaf litter was on the forest floor which each spring herbs and perennials would push through. Hippy girls used to swim naked at the swimming holes - they used to be so numerous that one could catch them with a butterfly net and have them poached on toast for breakfast. Alas, no more. Now Golden Bay seems to be the ‘place to be’ and it’s more than just climbers who think so. While we all love Golden Bay for our own reasons the place is in danger of being loved to death. While we may love the slopers that’ll suffice for holds in loving them we’ve killed off the drip line mosses, the ferns and compacted the soil at the base of the cliffs in our efforts to get a Paynes pump. There’s less obvious stuff too. Everywhere we walk we destroy the leaf litter, destroying plants and invertebrates in our path. We’ve cut back supplejack in the name of access and killed not so small trees that were either in our way, or by lowering off into them. So now it’s time for some truths. It doesn’t take much brain to work out that climbers can’t be serious environmentalists. Nylon ropes and all that fuel to get here, not to mention those flights overseas to climb. And what about all the fuel and energy that goes into making all that shiny gear that we love. So any efforts we put into keeping the crags of Golden Bay ‘nice’, green and native bushy, are, on the grand scale of things, trite nonsense! But wait I, and I’m sure a lot of you, love or will love this place and love is a strange thing. Totally illogical it is. So I ask you, I implore you to do that totally illogical, human oddity. I ask you to help preserve, improve and conserve this place. Here are some tips:
  • 1. Keep to the established and often marked tracks. The good folks who care about the place are busy building small stone barriers around regenerating Kahikatea, Miro and Matai, please watch out for these. We don’t know where all these little beggars are so please keep your eyes open.
  • 2. Minimize your impact at the bottom of the cliffs by keeping all your stuff in one compact place and not wandering back into the bush to see what the climbers doing or whatever. We’re hoping the undergrowth regenerates and there are heaps of orchids here that you’re trampling. This sort of impact is worst at the Creese and Little Lost Walls
  • 3. Don’t walk to the tops of cliffs. In 1999 there was a very dry, hot summer and all the Hebes and Kowhai that lined the cliff tops died off. Little, wee ones are just starting to come away again and won’t benefit from little human feet trampling on top of them. Put top ropes up by leading routes or get some strong type to do it for you.
  • 4. Clean tick marks and excess chalk off the cliff and holds. This stuff is visual litter and makes holds really greasy on hot days. Long may there be hot days.
  • 5. No graffiti anywhere.
  • 6. Please abseil from the top of cliffs rather than lower from the fixed anchors. This helps the hardware at the top last a lot longer. Running a top rope through the fixed anchors is about the worst thing you can do. Use a biner at the top instead.
  • 7. The bolt fund and the folks who stick the stuff in the cliff can’t and don’t want to fix all your fixed anchor woes. Assessing whether bolts will stay put is your responsibility. You can help by carrying a spanner to do up loose bolts. Please don’t come sniveling to us if it all goes wrong.
  • 8. Use the loo’s provided (DoC loos at Paynes, loo’s at the port of Tarakohe, public toilets behind the tennis club at Pohara, and the loo’s at Hangdog). No shitting in the woods, loo paper daisies or burning loo paper please.
  • 9. Learn what banana passionfruit is and kill it by cutting the vine at its base.
  • 10. Kill all possums and rats. If you’re new to this country, Possums aren’t cute, cuddly tree bears, they’re a noxious pest that consumes huge amounts of vegetation, young birds and eggs. The most effective way of killing them is by biting their nose off with your teeth! If you’re too spineless to do this then try pointing a small blond dog at the possum, she’ll do the biting for you.
  • 11. There are some areas that local climbers have either agreed not to climb on or not develop to keep in harmony with the local non climbers. Check at Hangdog if you’ve spied some rock you want to be let loose at.
  • 12. Give a little dosh to the bolt fund. It’s managed by an odd and only semi-organized but passionate bunch of volunteers who generally know what they’re doing.

Environmental stuff (1)

Lets look after the place

Paynes Ford is a Scenic Reserve at which DoC tolerates our climbing. It is a privilege not a right to climb here. That privilege could be withdrawn.

This brings with it a responsibility to use and conserve the resource for others.

It is not the general public that wanders around the bottom of these cliffs it is climbers. If you are a recent visitor what “was” here might not be apparent.

Over the years there has been a lot of intentional and unintentional damage to native vegetation in particular, along with compaction of the soils around the base of the climbs and erosion on unofficial shortcut tracks. Drip-line mosses have almost all vanished. The bush is much more open now as our presence has forced back much of the native plants to meet our needs.

As numbers of climbers grows the pressure increases rapidly.

Thanks to all those climbers who are caring of our environment.


  • DON”T even think about putting up a new climb if it means removing/cleaning moss or vegetation as has been done recently.

It won’t get you mentioned (favourably) in the Guidebooks!

  • If you are doing a new climb don’t SQUEEZE. Many lines have been looked at and left alone in the past as not being independent.

  • Be careful of trees when you lower/rap off climbs and swing out.

  • Stick to marked tracks

  • Don’t climb with dirty rockshoes. Mud/dirt acts as a grinding paste and holds become polished. Carry a bit of carpet to stand on and to clean your shoes on. Routes will become polished like those on the Slave wall.

  • Pick up that bit of litter even if it is not yours.


Pohara - Why Wall - Just Cause (26)

  • Just Cause (26)
Bit of an endurofest. Currently 10 bolts but it may finish lower. Starts up Animated Suspension then breaks right at the 4th bolt and then up via the rail at the top of Snatch, and on up through scroggly shit that falls off a lot currently finishing at the belay of Status Anxiety (18). Mark Brignole winter '08


Wall of Thugs - New climbs

  • Head Line***26
Starts 3m right of Intensive Scare. Step off the very end of the ledge and head straight out across roof. 5B. "A definite contender for the most outrageous position at Paynes, wild moves on solid holds the whole way!" Recommend a back belay to Intensive Scare chain for more enjoyable climbing /belay experience. A 60m rope is essential to lower/abseil off the anchors. Rich Turner 8/7/08 photos Mark Brignole
  • Another night in the dogbox** 23
Starts as for Bicep d'Elan to first bolt then breaks right past undercling and straight up wall. Through the roof jam crack to finish on the Intensive Scare belay. Rich Turner 7/7/08


Tenuite Area - New climbs

  • That's not my name* (24)
Starts R of the track to the Tenuite Wall. Good moves up the steepening wall, crimpers, then fun through the roof. 4 Bolts. (WHILE THIS WAS GRADED 24 SEVERAL LOCALS WHO HIKE 26 HAVE FAILED MISERABLY ON THIS ROUTE...) Michael Norman 8/08
  • Slap and Tickle** (23)
Starts R of Lapsed Catholics and keeps left of Romancing the Stone on the Lower Tenuite wall. 3 Bolts. Craig Alter 6/08
  • Persistence of time (25)
An extension of Grey Warbler on the Lower Tenuite wall. Move R and through the roof to the Badger Basin . 8 Bolts. Craig Alter 8/08
  • Stallywag ** (27)
Starts L of Chicken Hawk flaky start trends let through a line of pockets to the break and goes out through the roof via the stal and some wild foot free manoeuvres. 7 Bolts - top chains are just right of Bent Badgers Belay Rich Turner 5/08


Globe Wall -New Routes

  • Windfall* (24)
Formerly known as Slapstick* this was a good but potentially serious route until a recent storm brought down the offending branch.Now it is a good route. It  weaves its way up between Powerfailure and Body Nazi's . Go right at the last bolt, then back left to mantle, you can always step back to the branch if it gets out of control.5B . Tony Ward-Holmes 4/08
  • Overkill** (25)
From the Make My Day start moves right and continues to top of the crag - the only line here that climbs the upper wall.The break is a bit friable so make sure there's nobody in the drop zone. 8 Bolts. Tony Ward-Holmes 5/08
  • Recidivist* (20)
Starts R of Amino Pro start to the ledge then head straight up a shallow groove to finish left of the Grumpy Cat belay. 6 Bolts. Phil castle 4/08



Some re-bolting

While hanging around at the far end of the crag the lads have been doing a bit of work. So far:
  • Subliminal Seducer
  • Fish'n'chips
have been rebolted and plans are a foot for more ie Smells like Fish


Some easy kids routes at the Globe Wall

There have been 3 easy routes put up for kids - two at the entrance to Tomorrow Gully opposite Fauvism and one to the R of The Fat Fight Back (8 bolts). They have been all climbed before but were thought to be good for those with kids starting climbing who also want to spend some time at the Globe Wall !! Good one Rich. Note: All 3 have been bolted for small people to lead (5years + ?? ) ie very close bolts. Tomorrow gully south side:
  • Beavis 6?
Flake crack (left hand line 3m left of entrance to Tomorrow Gully) 5B Jasper Carrot 11/07
  • Butthead 8??
Right hand line (just at entrance) up arete 5B Jasper Carrot 11/07 Between Cloudwalker wall and Electricorp Production right of The Fat fight back is
  • Greenday 10? 7B
Jasper Carrot 11/07 This was often soloed to get pictures of people on the Cloudwalker Wall


Creese Wall - New direct start to Re-election blues

At the Creese Wall a visiting Brit added a direct start up the arete to join Re-election Blues (16). Following one of Hobies "stories" it was named "Why would you wave at a one armed man on a bicycle?"(25). It has 3 new bolts before joining the original route. 11/07


Paynes Ford, Stone Symposium Wall : Space Invader (20)

Next time you are climbing around Temples of Stone you may notice some changes. The annoying bees nest right of Jimmy the torn piece .... has been eliminated and a new climb evolved, phoenix like, from the remains. The climb starts with a bouldery move off the ground, heads up into the crack moves delicately R and you will find yourself standing R of the pro placements on the bottom of R for Ranger, D for Danger continue up the wall left of Stone Symposium.This may also be an alternative start to R for Ranger, D for Danger with or without the Danger direct variation left of the arete from Jimmy. Confused? You have a right to be, however following the pinkish-brown hangers should make matters clearer. Space Invader (20) 10 bolts 30m Mike McManaway 2/07


Paynes Photos

I have started a Paynes Ford Group for Paynes Ford / Golden Bay climbing shots if anyone is interested on Flickr. here http://www.flickr.com/groups/paynes_ford_climbing/


Pohara: The Lair - Katipo (25)

There is a new climb on the east end of the Lair at Pohara. This is around past the White Spider. It was put up by the lads from Mot. It is called Katipo, apparently has a very hard first clip, about 5 bolts and Grade 25? Craig Alter '07


North End - Big Black Spider (19)

A trad line just R of Darling Buds of May. Starts just left of a big flowstone tufa thing, works up through flakes and into crack at the top.Rap from big tree set back and left. Matt Natti 20/2/06

Tech Tip: Retreating off a sport climb (Method 1)

An Eco-Escape - Retreating off a route ….leaving nothing but memories… So you aren’t really the gun you thought you were. That pizza seems to be holding you back somehow. Tips are raw and there just isn’t the oomph in the arms that you need to pull through this first baffling crux. ….or maybe you are well up on that long multi pitch sport route in Chamonix dressed only in T shirt and shorts when the thunderstorm hits. So there is nothing for it but to back off, get back to the belay and get on down. The reasons may be many but the results the same. With a bit of forethought a couple of small pieces of gear can be utilized to leave nothing behind on that “sharp as” bolt bracket. What do you need? • A FiFi hook • A small steel maillion rapide (quick link?) - farm suppliers have these pretty cheap or a shackle • A 1/2 metre of “P” cord. • Abseil device... • Helmet !! What do you do? • Clip yourself into the hanger with your cows tail. • Hook the FiFi onto the hanger - ideally underneath the karabiner from your safety sling. • The p- cord should already be attached to the top of the FiFi. There is usually a small eye there. • Feed the rope through the rapide/shackle as per a normal abseil… you know equal amounts on each side. • On the side of the rope that is on the spine side of the Fi-Fi hook tie an overhand knot close to the top. The “P” cord should be hanging down on the side with the knot. • Attach the p- cord to this loop. You should have a slack loop of p-cord hanging around. • Put your belay device onto the rope and any back up prussick (if you use one). This next bit needs to be managed with some delicacy and finesse as you are hanging off a hook that could potentially come off if you started bouncing around a bit. • Ease your weight onto the rope, remove your safety and off you go. • When you get to the ground pull the side with the knot until the tension comes onto the the p-cord and the Fi-Fi pulls out. Watch out for the metal stuff flying down. Helmet useful here!!! The slack in the p-cord is to take up any creep that might occur with the rope. A steel rapide/shackle lasts better than an alloy one if you make a habit of this sort of trick. This method is less effective on steep sport routes that need to be cleaned as well as retreated from. Obviously carrying a bail ‘biner helps as you can leave it behind (once) or a shackle or some tat are other options but they are all things that are left behind as even more trash for someone else to deal with.