Pohara: Trench Town
Say no to jugs (19) 4B 10m
Trench Town lurks relatively quietly not far from the Seagrass Wall and is home to a few small climbs with some good moves.This short fun routes slips into the steep ground immediately right of Miss precocious tongue at the top of the gully and left of Ooggaa Chakka. Underclinging the small roof using a series of stalactities is a highlight. Phil reckons it's worth 1 star.
Phil Castle 15/10/05
Mark Brignole says no to jugs.
Photo : Phil Castle
There is a new route (21),'07 that heads through the roof between Oooga Chakka and Soul Shakedown Party. It is identified by a large area of removed rock near the bolt at the roof.
Soul Shakedown Party (22) 4B
Right of Oogga Chakka. Start part way up the small gully—boulder to a high first bolt then up to the roof crux.
Mark Brignole 29/12/04.
Kaya (19) 4B
Right -most line and the first you come to. Start on some slightly dubious rock at the bottom of the gully. Things steepen to a final groove. 4B and fixed thread.
Simon Middlemass 29/12/04